take me somewhere nice

corporation management, discipline, and control: chomsky on the american university system, education, precarity, and vulnerable workers;

about food, and hunger:
Taste the waste! how food is dumped, in immense amounts, every day in almighty Europa (and meanwhile, on earth…);
Süsses Gift – Hilfe als Geschäft, a beautifully filmed, strong critique on development aid in Africa;

…and how all things are related to each other (profit! profit! profit!).

lastly, how did saving the world become big corporate business? and does it have to? for better or worse?
“Narrow thinking, bureaucratic structures and the overriding priority of fundraising lead NGOs to treat people as donors and consumers, rather than to empower them to struggle for social justice.” Spot on.

<edit 22.07.2014> Raid then Aid: Pretending to be saviours. The “developed” world is but looting from down south.


A propos de somewhere nice, let’s go to the internet black market. Yami-ichi Forever! get the whatever button NOW!

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