Posts Tagged ‘hong kong’

fight the umbrella fight. demand the infinite.

Thursday, October 23rd, 2014

Regarding my Heimat:

The case of Hong Kong: From Occupy Wall Street to Occupy Central *Hong Kong* at LARB

Badlands Unlimited’s Reading List regarding the democracy movement in HK.

Round-up from

China’s choice from Project Syndicate. The delirium from “losing face”.

Guernica’s report on the first 2 weeks of demonstrations.

Salute for the “Ba-Si-Da”‘s of HKGolden on the New Republic.

The amazing language called Cantonese. And its subversive potential.

In other New Yorker news:

Looking forward to Laura Poitra’s Citizenfour

Copyright the back of your head, or not.

The Essay on the Essay’s story




Friday, July 4th, 2014

“班犯呢? 眼訓果d 就好安心咁訓覺, 唔眼訓果d 就好hyper 咁係度吹水. 犯法犯得咁開心仲要個個話下次一定要再黎, 呢班友真係傻的嗎. 而警察呢? 一係玩手機一係就訓覺. 有時社會就係咁荒謬.”

511 分之1


when the world gets absurd, humour is the best way of resistance.