Posts Tagged ‘language’

les associations phonétiques multilingues

Thursday, June 9th, 2016

“Nothing makes you more aware of your own language, its structure and strategies, than the differences of a new one.”

from NYRB, How Italy Improved My English by Tim Parks.

more awareness of languages i already speak, yes, definitely; as for improvement, i suppose it takes some serious dedication.
despite my great interest (passion!) in languages, i am still struggling to excel in the usage of (just) one single language. jumbling vocabulary, untranslatable colloquialism, faux amis (love the funny ones, though), migrating word order and grammar rules between languages…sometimes my brain feels like a pot of smashed potatoes topped with sriracha sauce.


rise, rice!
          lice lies, lies 拉。

ey, ay, hei!

hi, hi;   はい、はい!

閪!  high.

hide, hide!  Eil…?


    Eye? Ei?

my 呔? 賣tie?




街 guy 派 pie, why?

vai! buy, buy. bye bye!


re: gibbérische


re: something i did some years back



can anyone please teach me how to pronounce vierzig and pfirsich correctly? i fuck up all the time.


sunday funday

Sunday, September 13th, 2015

Hi, my name is Pipi de Faux-pas-Bidet. Enchantée!

I thought I had met people with funny names. A handful of Thais, whose birth names are too long to be rememberable, have short nicknames, and somehow, they favour single-syllable names not exactly far away from the English alphabets: I have worked with an A, a F, and I met once an E, who introduced me to an O. My good friend told me she once had a co-worker named Spaghetti, and my mother had a student named Cucumber. Once I encountered a person named Water at a bar somewhere in a city, while each of us sipped our single malts (with water on the side) in front of glass paned windows. And a few year’s back, when I picked up the phone at work, a certain Frau Morgenbesser wanted to talk to my boss (thus for a while I called myself Frau Heuteschlecht). I have studied with Miss Special, and shared a studio with Miss Good.

But. How do you top a Madame Ovary? or Mr. Cigar Stubbs? Maybe a Mr. Baretits? This, is pure bliss! “How to name your baby” from the Paris Review, Summer 1976


Does the inner voice exist? The inner voice doesn’t exist. Yes it does. No it doesn’t.

For me it does. It takes on several personas, it’s able to speak in different languages, in various accents of  some languages, its voice is always different, sometimes a squeaky baby, other times a solemn baritone.


Ultimately, reading is an egoistic act, a wasted attempt to escape reality. Procrastination in disguise: look, she’s always got a book in her hand; she’s going to grow up to be an intelligent lady! No doubt, reading means going onto fantastical journeys into the wild, experiencing heart-wrenching sadness with an imaginary best friend, tasting chocolates and candies which never existed and will never exist, getting to know about what is going on in the world, learning about the differences between plant species, the poverty of the world, the importance and origins of hair on the body, etc., but at the end of the day (in which all you do is read) all you want to do is to avoid having to do what is to be done, be it taking a shower, cooking dinner, changing the bedsheets, calling your mom, or what not, while your conscience would be soothed by the fact that you read, that you read all day! – it’s an intelligent, respectable endeavour, and despite the fact that you actually have not done anything but read, you are ultimately a good, responsible, and especially intellectually capable person.


when will androids dream of electric sheep?

Monday, September 22nd, 2014

Why aren’t we having holidays on Mars yet? What about clothes which wash themselves? Or a robot butler which is way much smarter than the slow and stupid Roomba? Of flying cars and the declining rate of profitbureaucratic corporate capitalism, the illusion of post-work society, marketing, privatisation of everything there is, and all those awful things which characterise our societies. From The Baffler, by David Graeber.

“How do politicians who are unresponsive to the interests of the vast majority of their constituents get elected and, more important, re-elected, while doing the bidding mostly of the wealthiest individuals?

A politician who represents the interests primarily of economic elites has to find other means of appealing to the masses. Such an alternative is provided by the politics of nationalism, sectarianism, and identity – a politics based on cultural values and symbolism rather than bread-and-butter interests.”

On How the Rich Rule, from Project Syndicate

Bubble vocabulary: The lazy and pretentious literary show-off in all of us.

Addictive French fries, seductive and sexy Fondant au chocolat. A linguist talks about restaurant reviews à la Américain on the New Republic.



man, woman, language

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2014

Monde-Meisterschaft: Germany versus France, which will be on stage the day after, has already been *H.I.L.A.R.O.U.S.L.Y.* (ha ha!) made into a match of philosophy on, why, where else of course, ICI/HIER.

Totally Offside: Being the most-hated football star and a human being, a loving family guy and a cannibal, all at the same time. Regarding Luis Suarez. By the way, this was written and published before the most recent bite.

The Albertine Workout – going on a journey with Proust’s heart again for the next vacance en France.

How do people all over the world speak English? The Speech Accent Archive, the next big thing on my list of Ways to Procrastinate.

Meanwhile, 香港。
Commitment and resistance.
